BBC Going Live – March 11th 1989

Prefab Sprout certainly gave out some good prizes when they went on Going Live. Here, from the “Jane P” VHS stash is their appearance from March 1989, from which one lucky fan received a lovely original cartoon of the band taking the bus to Memphis. It’s shown at around 11:40. Where is it now, I wonder?

Good segment at the start too with comments from the entire band. Apologies for the slight video breakup during the song, that’s unfortunately on the tape.

3 thoughts

  1. Great to watch that again. The last time I saw that it was literally going out live (pun intended). Paddy was so fresh, quietly confident and inspiring to those watching. Had been a fan for about three years when this was on, having unsuccessfully been played there songs at school by an English teacher of mine who, I believe knew the band personally.

    I didn’t get what he said at the time, talking about his music, but I do now. I was more into the music back then. I now realise he was indeed the Fred Astaire of words…..

  2. I’m amazed by how sweet this video is. They’re all having such a good time, or seem to be! It is the most I ever heard Neil speaking! They played a much less obvious choice than the 2 majors from Langley! The Viz cartoon is very unique!
    It’s a charming appearance all around, but wait a second, what is this The Sprouts trivia quiz? Admin, are you already aware of such a thing? The artwork that is briefly shown looks’s a guy with a guitar and a giant either Elvis or Reagan. Is this some sort of rare Langley Park promotional object pressed by the label?

    1. There are a couple of versions of the quiz – one is a fold out sleeve and inserts on the 7″ King of Rock’n’roll single, very easy to find on Ebay etc for a fiver up. The one on Going Live is a boxed 12″ version of essentially the same thing. I have one, they come up for sale once in a while. It’s not a great game, I think it was created for the band.

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